喝咖啡曾經(jīng)在過去很長一段時期里,被認為是一種與吸煙、飲酒類似的不健康生活習慣。但現(xiàn)在看來,咖啡這些年承受的誤解,實在太多了。如果你很愛咖啡,就放心享受它給你帶來的元氣和快樂吧~科學審核 孫軼飛河北醫(yī)科大學醫(yī)學史講師科學審核 阮慧娟上海交通大學醫(yī)學院附屬新華醫(yī)院營養(yǎng)科主治醫(yī)師策劃丁哥哥監(jiān)制Feidi插畫 翠花參考文獻[1]Alferink L, Fittipaldi J, Jong KD, Taimr P, Hansen BE, Metselaar HJ, et al. Coffee and herbal tea consumption is associated with lower liver stiffness in the general population: The Rotterdam study. Journal of Hepatology 2017:S0168827817301472.[2]Gow P, Spelman T, Gardner S, Hellard M, Howell J. Estimates of the global reduction in liver disease‐related mortality with increased coffee consumption: an analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Dataset. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2020; 52(7):1195-1203.[3]Dongen LV, MoLenberg FJ, Soedamah-Muthu SS, Kromhout D, Geleijnse JM. Coffee consumption after myocardial infarction and risk of cardiovascular mortality: a prospective analysis in the Alpha Omega Cohort. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2017; 106(4):1113-1120.[4]Qian Y, Ye D, Huang H, Wu DJH. Coffee Consumption and Risk of Stroke: A Mendelian Randomization Study. Annals of Neurology 2020; 87(4):525-532.[5]Qian J, Chen Q, Ward SM, Duan E, Zhang Y. Impacts of Caffeine during Pregnancy. Trends Endocrinol metab 2020; 31(3):218–227.[6]Chen, Ling-Wei, Murrin, Celine M, Mehegan, John, et al. Maternal, but not paternal or grandparental, caffeine intake is associated with childhood obesity and adiposity: The Lifeways Cross-Generation Cohort Study. The American journal of clinical nutrition 2019; 109:1648–1655.[7]Orozco E. Habitual coffee consumption and 24-h blood pressure control in older adults with hypertension. Clinical Nutrition 2016; 35(6):1457-1463.[8]Tybj?rg NA, Mette T, Gr?nne N. Coffee intake and risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes: a Mendelian randomization study. International Journal of Epidemiology 2015; (2):551-565.[9]Syamila M, Gedi M, Briars R, Ayed C, Gray D. Effect of temperature, oxygen and light on the degradation of β-carotene, lutein and α-tocopherol in spray-dried spinach juice powder during storage. Food chemistry 2019;284:188-97.[10]Ding M, Bhupathiraju SN, Satija A, et al. Long-term coffee consumption and risk of cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and a dose -response meta--analysis of prospective cohort studies. Circulation 2014; 129:643.▼-歡迎掃二維碼關注原作者-本文授權轉載自丁香醫(yī)生(DingXiangYiSheng),二次轉載或合作請聯(lián)系 WeChat:DingDangDXYS。有溫度、有知識、有態(tài)度。丁香醫(yī)生,新一代大眾健康品牌。版權信息:以上文章內容轉載于【丁香醫(yī)生】,如需轉載請聯(lián)系原作者。侵權請聯(lián)系:weixin@coffeesalon.com投稿合作:tips@coffeesalon.com歡迎加入咖啡沙龍交流社群群按地域和身份劃分:京津冀、江浙滬、廣東、川渝、陜甘青寧、東北三省、贛皖、港澳臺、桂黔、湘鄂、云南、海南等......- 入群方式 -添加時請備注好姓名、身份和省市,請勿重復添加。商家身份暫時沒有群,歡迎跟小編一對一交流。咖啡師/館主/從業(yè)者 請?zhí)砑游⑿牛篶afeuni消費者/愛好者 請?zhí)砑游⑿牛簊aloncoffee品牌/企業(yè)/商務/烘焙商 請?zhí)砑游⑿牛篶ofesalon
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